Monday, June 3, 2013


Okay, I tried a blog on Tumblr but ...heavens to Betsy do I hate Tumblr.  It seems to be a refuge of people making gifs and then complaining that someone "stole" the gif they "created" (I personally think a gif is like quoting a book.  If you don't credit the original creators of the longer piece, it is plagiarism, and for sure it isn't ever "yours.")
So I thought I'd start again as kind of a corral for book reviews, random musings, freak outs as well as a way to practice writing.
Currently, I am on Goodreads, where I am doing a challenge to read 85 books in 2013.  I am also doing a Century of Books (where I am reading 1 book for each year of the 20th century.)  I'll post some book reviews - I'm reading quite a variety, and will probably end up with a rating system of being from Nana by Delacorta (throw the book away so no one else will be subjected to it) to Dance to the Music of Time (sublimely perfect.)
I also like art, Aidan Turner, Being Human UK, Misfits, Dr. Who, fermenting, cooking, politics and Unitarian Universalism.